Harriet lost $1.6 million to a scam. She wants the government to act and the bank forced to pay up – 23 June 2024
Harriet Spring fell for a sophisticated fixed-term deposit scam. Experts warn scams are now too complex for consumers to pick up on by themselves and they want banks to be liable for reimbursing customers. The government says it’s working with the banks to tighten security but won’t go down that route at the moment.


WA Police Commissioner says ‘boys club culture’ to blame for rising cop sexual misconduct claims – 27 June 2024
A report of sexual misconduct by a WA cop was made almost once a week last year, with Police Commissioner Col Blanch admitting to a “boys club culture” in the force. The State’s top cop described the 47 claims made last year as a “sad reflection” on the agency’s performance — while also revealing that 16 alleged perpetrators had been superior-ranked officers.


Digital access to the West Australian required to read article

Why High-Quality Data is Crucial to Fighting Financial Crime – 27 June 2024
The fight against financial crime is becoming increasingly complex. This paper explains the debate around AI responsibility and that organisations need to carefully consider the quality of the data that fuels the AI system. The six key steps for successful AI implementation are also listed.


Super scammers defrauded Lee of his retirement savings. Industry experts are calling for better protections – 27 June 2024
Lee Braz’s entire super, $180,000, was stolen by scammers who used fraudulent documents to trick his fund. He launched a four-year legal battle to get a refund from his super fund, but only got back a third, which didn’t cover his legal feess. Industry experts want the federal government to urgently increase security obligations, such as multi-factor authentication and checks on who owns a bank account when rolling over a member’s super.


US Trafficking in Persons report says Cambodian officials complicit in human trafficking for online scams – 27 June 2024
A new report from the US State Department has highlighted alleged Cambodian government “corruption and official complicity” in human trafficking for the online scam industry”. The Trafficking in Persons report, which each year ranks countries for their efforts to eliminate human trafficking, gave Cambodia the lowest Tier 3 rating. It said the government did not meet the minimum standards for eliminating trafficking and was not making significant efforts to do so.


Concerns about rise in scams targeting residents in remote Western Australia ahead of tax time – 27 June 2024
Community leaders and financial counsellors warn of a spike in scams targeting residents in remote communities ahead of tax time.

They say more needs to be done in regional areas to protect vulnerable residents. Consumer Protection is urging all residents to break the stigma and report scams.


Former Moreland councillor Milad El-Halabi spared jail, fined $20,000 for tampering with voter ballots – 27 June 2024
A former Victorian councillor has been fined after admitting to one charge of vote tampering during a 2020 election. Milad El-Halabi was found to have “possessed and handled” the 23 fraudulent ballot papers, which elected him to the council’s north-west ward.

El-Halabi was fined $20,000 and was handed an 18-month community work order.


Canberra lawyer Ben Aulich found guilty of professional misconduct after dancing shirtless in front of colleagues, taking his pants off during drinking game – 27 June 2024
Canberra lawyer Ben Aulich has been found guilty of professional misconduct after taking part in a drinking game where he took his pants off in front of his colleagues, risking “accidental exposure” of his penis.

He also behaved in a “bawdy” way, dancing shirtless while on a professional development weekend in 2021. Mr Aulich has been ordered to pay a fine of $20,000 and has been publicly reprimanded.


The trial of campsite murderer Greg Lynn – 27 June 2024
The trial of the missing campers in Victoria fascinated Australians and now Greg Lynn, the former Jetstar pilot, is a convicted murderer. He’s awaiting sentencing after being found guilty of killing Carol Clay. He was found not guilty of murdering Russell Hill. Today, creator of the Trace podcast Rachael Brown takes us through the captivating and unusual case.


Text scammers targeted in calls for mandatory SMS Sender ID Register – 28 June 2024
New legislation introduced in federal parliament will give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) powers to establish and run an SMS Sender ID Register. The register will allow telcos to check whether messages are sent under a brand name that matches a legitimate sender.The government is now considering whether the registry should be mandatory for all entities that use a sender ID to contact Australian consumers.


Due date error involving hundreds of pregnant women under investigation after SA Health ‘miscalculated’ – 28 June 2024
SA Health may have “miscalculated” the due dates of more than 1,700 pregnant women, prompting concerns some could have been induced too early. SA Health Minister Chris Picton has ordered an independent investigation into the bungle. The investigation will likely take “a couple of months”, with the findings to be made public.
