Cutting-edge technology is being deployed to stop the illegal trafficking of Australian wildlife – 8 July 2024
Wildlife trafficking is the fourth-largest organised crime globally, worth over $450 billion a year, according to the Wildlife Crime Research Hub. It’s estimated thousands of Australian species are being traded internationally, with cockatoos and lizards particularly popular. Australian scientists have created tools to detect and trace wildlife being smuggled out of, and brought into, the country.

Boeing will plead guilty in investigation of two fatal crashes – 8 July 2024
Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge to resolve a US Department of Justice investigation linked to
two fatal 737 MAX crashes. The plea, which requires the approval of a federal judge, would brand the plane manufacturer a felon and make them pay a criminal fine of $360 million.

How criminals use property to launder money – 9 July 2024
Drug traffickers, people smugglers, terrorists and fraudsters who rip off government programs are laundering billions of dollars through Australia’s property market, banks and casinos – according to a national risk assessment released recently. The Government wants to impose new regulations on real estate agents, accountants and lawyers to crack down on the crime – but it’s facing resistance.

‘Jason’ was beaten repeatedly with a baton in a watch house. An investigation found the use of force was ‘reasonable’ – 10 July 2024
A teenager has been beaten with a baton by police in a watchhouse after swearing at officers. Commissioner Natalie Lewis has seen the footage and labeled the use of force as “abhorrent” and “distressing”. She has called for a more transparent and comprehensive investigation.

Australian Federal Police officer charged with perjury, concealing evidence and perverting the course of justice – 11 July 2024
ACT Policing Detective Leading Senior Constable Trent Madders has been charged with perjury, perverting the course of justice and concealing evidence. Prosecutors allege Trent Madders committed the offences between 2019 and 2020.

Two women arrested as part of Echo Taskforce investigation into false nominations – 11 July 2024
Detectives from Taskforce Echo have arrested two women as part of an investigation into the false nomination of drivers for penalty notices. Police will allege that the woman, who was previously working for a third-party contractor, used her position to access information and then receive payment for false nominations of penalty notices.

‘Those involved will be held accountable’: ANZ boss amid scandal – 11 July 2024
ANZ has engaged two major law firms as it investigates workplace misconduct and inappropriate trading in its markets division, even as the corporate regulator looks into whether the bank manipulated the price of government bonds.

Law Council calls for anti-money laundering carve-outs – 11 July 2024
Proposed anti-money laundering reforms will impose a significant compliance cost burden on law firms and could “make inroads” into client-lawyer privilege, the Law Council of Australia has warned. The peak body for lawyers has called for carve-outs for “low-risk” practice areas and exemptions to protect client privilege, but says it supports “risk-based and outcomes-based legislation”.

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Two Australian citizens charged with an espionage-related offence – 12 July 2024
Two Russian-born Australian citizens accused of obtaining Australian Defence Force material to share with Russian authorities will face Brisbane Magistrates Court after being charged with an espionage-related offence.

Scammers are using our scam awareness against us — so watch out for unsolicited offers of help – 12 July 2024
Many of us are now at least a bit wary of scams and it appears scammers are using that to their advantage. They’re posing as assistance organisations for scam victims or pretending to be an agency that can reclaim money lost to scammers to trick people into handing over their money. The National Anti-Scam Centre (NASC) is a federal government organisation that works to protect people from scams.The centre says some criminals have been posing as NASC employees warning you about a scam — but it’s all a lie.