Categories of Membership

AIPI has six categories of membership.  Each category has different educational and experience requirements.



The six AIPI membership categories are:


Student Member *

In order to be admitted as a Student Member of the AIPI, an individual must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Not currently in full-time employment (in any field).
  2. Currently studying a relevant approved course that may lead to employment in investigation or a related field.
  3. Have a current intention of seeking employment in investigations or a related field.

Associate Member *

In order to be admitted as an Associate Member of the AIPI, an individual must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. An individual who has not yet been employed within the investigation industry for at least 3 years.
  2. Must be attending or have a completed a training course recognised by the Membership/or accreditation committee of the institute; or
  3. Currently employed in an industry or organisation where the principal function involves investigation.

* Please note that Student & Associate Members – cannot use the Proud to be a Member AIPI logo or Standard AIPI logo on their website, social media profiles, email signatures etc. or Vote at the AGM and do not have post-nominals.

Member (MAIPI)

In order to be admitted as a Member of the AIPI, an individual must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Currently employed in an industry or organisation where the principal function involves investigation and has been so for a minimum of three years; or
  2. Currently employed in the teaching of or research into aspects of investigation or related field of endeavour for a minimum of three years; and
  3. Must have attended and qualified at a recognised course or training as determined by the relevant committee or the Institute.

Please note the MAIPI post-nominal can be used by Full Members on social media accounts / signature blocks etc.

Fellow (FMAIPI)

In order to be admitted as a Fellow of the AIPI, an individual must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Must be a member of the Institute; and
  2. Currently employed in an industry or organisation where the principal function involves investigation and has been so for a minimum of 10 years; or
  3. Currently employed in the teaching of or research into aspects of investigation or related field of endeavour for a minimum of ten years; and
  4. Must have provided assistance to the Institute by way of service as a state chapter executive or committee representation for a minimum of three years; or
  5. In the assessment of the National Executive from time to time undertaken meritorious service in the furtherance of the professional investigation industry.

Please note the FMAIPI post-nominal can be used by Fellow Full Members on social media accounts / signature blocks etc

Retired Member (MAIPI (R))

In order to be admitted as a Retired Member of the AIPI, an individual must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Previously employed in an industry or organisation where the principal function involves investigation and was so for a minimum of three years; or
  2. Previously employed in the teaching of or research into aspects of Investigation or a relevant field of endeavour for a minimum of three years; and
  3. Must have attended and qualified at a recognised course of training as determined by the relevant committee of the Institute; and
  4. Must satisfy all other eligibility criteria as described in paragraph 3.3.

Please note the MAIPI(R) post-nominal can be used by Retired Full Members on social media accounts / signature blocks etc

Investigations Firm Member

In order to be admitted as an Investigations Firm member of the AIPI, an individual must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Be a corporation within the meaning of the Queensland Security Providers Act 1973
  2. Have a director or principal of the corporation as a member of the AIPI
  3. The principal business of the corporation involves investigation, or
  4. Currently engaged in the teaching of, or research into aspects of Investigation or a relevant field of endeavor;
  5. The company must agree to abide by the AIPI Code of Conduct for Companies and agree to be audited at its own expense on at least a tri-yearly cycle in compliance with the AIPI Code of Conduct for Companies.

A Company will have no voting rights over and above those bestowed on the individual Members representing the Company.