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Market Place / Government Investigations
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Workplace Investigations - Employee Misconduct, Complaint or Grievance
posted 2 months agoLocation: Brisbane (Queensland-wide) QLD | Name: Daryn Prior | Email: admin@brpmprojects.au | Phone: 1300 305 595 | Visit website
At BRPM Projects, we specialise in workplace investigations with a steadfast commitment to professionalism. Our true pride lies in ensuring every investigation is conducted with fairness, transparency, and integrity, guided by the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.
We understand that workplace investigations can be stressful for everyone involved. That is why our approach is human-centred, particularly during interviews — an essential part of the investigative process. We aim to foster understanding and clarity, helping participants feel heard and respected throughout.
Our focus goes beyond just meeting expectations; we are dedicated to providing exceptional service that delivers the best possible experience for our clients and their teams.
Partner with BRPM Projects for a seamless, outsourced solution to your workplace investigation needs. We are your trusted professionals for inquiries into:
• Misconduct or suspected Corrupt conduct
• Disciplinary breaches
• Professional standards violations
• Bullying, harassment, or discrimination
• Complaints or grievances
• Conflicts of interest
• Code of Conduct and Standard of Practice breaches
• Policy and Procedure breaches
To learn more about us or our suite of professional services and how we can assist you, please visit our website at brpmprojects.au. You can also reach us via phone or email for a FREE consultation.
Proudly based in Brisbane, we serve clients across Queensland with integrity and care.
AD ID: 100122